Notification of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Requirements to Related Parties
Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 2023-01-04 | 86 Views | Share:

Dear interested parties:


     Environmental protection and the implementation of safety management are issues that must be taken into account by every company when performing services, activities and services. We recognize that, together with other economic organizations, it is our common responsibility to conserve resources and energy, to protect the ecology, to protect the environment on which we depend for our survival and development, and to carry out our own labor protection and security. Strengthening safety management and reducing safety accidents is our common goal. Our company's policy on quality, environment and occupational health and safety is as follows

Truthfulness is the basis, the law prevails, the service is sincere, the reputation is supreme;

Environmental protection leading, safety first; prevention-oriented, sustainable development.

The objectives of quality, environment and occupational health and safety are:

1. Quality objectives:

Customer satisfaction ≥ 90 points; products passed rate of one-time delivery ≥ 98%. 

2. Environmental objectives:

Solid Waste Compliance Disposal Rate 100%;

Prevention of fires with 0 fires;

100% compliance with noise emission standards;

100% compliance with wastewater discharge standards;

100% compliance rate for exhaust emissions

3. Occupational health and safety objectives:

Prevention of fires, with 0 fires; prevention of electrocution, with 0 electrocutions;

Prevention of traffic accidents, the number of traffic accidents was 0; prevention of mechanical injuries, the number of mechanical injuries was 0; prevention of body blow accidents, the number of body blow accidents was 0;


Therefore, while actively promoting environmental protection within the scope of the Company's technological and economic license, we hereby make the following requests to related parties, such as material and service suppliers and waste handlers, in order to strengthen cooperation with the Company's related parties in environmental protection and safety, and to achieve prevention of pollution and safety accidents, as well as continual improvement of environmental and safety behaviors;

     1, the products and products provided by the raw materials, service process, services should meet (or try to meet) the national, local, industry laws and regulations on environmental protection requirements; under the premise of quality assurance, reduce packaging materials.

     2. Excessive pollutants (solid waste, noise, etc.) emitted in the course of living, service or service should be planned and measures taken to meet national or local standards for emissions (with significant reductions each year until the standards are met).

     3. In the service process, priority shall be given to the use of non-polluting or less-polluting service processes, service equipment, advanced service methods, etc., and the use of service processes and service equipment that have been prohibited by national or local standards shall not be adopted. In the process of service, necessary measures are adopted to reduce noise pollution, and waste at the service site is properly disposed of.

      4. Proper storage of flammable, explosive or toxic and hazardous materials, precautions should be taken to prevent fire, explosion or leakage in the process of storage and transportation, resulting in environmental pollution.

      5, in the storage and transportation process, should ensure that the condition of the transportation vehicles in good condition, vehicle emissions of waste, noise and vehicle washing wastewater to meet the national emission standards. In the process of transportation, it shall not disturb the life of the residents near the plant.

       6、Vehicles entering our company should slow down, loading and unloading vehicles personnel to obey the command.

       7. In order to supervise the environmental protection behavior of the related parties, the Company will carry out supervision and inspection from time to time on the related parties that need to focus on exerting influence, and the main contents of the inspection are as follows:

      a. Whether or not you understand our company's policy;

      b. Whether complaints have been received from relevant parties on environmental protection issues;

      c. Whether it has been subjected to administrative penalties by higher authorities or governmental authorities for environmental pollution accidents;

      d. Whether pollutant emissions are in compliance with standards or have been significantly abated;

      f. Whether there are security incidents.

     The Company will propose corrective actions to relevant parties that do not meet the requirements. For enterprises that do not meet the corrective actions or refuse to do so, that may cause serious pollution and safety accidents, or that have already caused major pollution or safety accidents, the Company will take measures to exert influence, such as reducing orders and changing suppliers.

     For a sustainable future for the earth. We expect that the activities we undertake to protect the environment and manage safety will be supported and cooperated with by all parties concerned.


                                                                                      GZ Diode Machining Metal Co.,Ltd 
